The Department has sufficient number of Pentium machines with modern computer peripherals. The Department modern equipment’s available in the department include Analog and Digital Oscilloscopes, various analog, digital and Power Electronics training Boards, Microprocessor and Microcontroller boards, ARM and FPGA prototyping boards, Digital and Analog Communication modules, Antenna, Microwave and fiber optic trainers, IC tester, Texas/Motorola DSP Boards.
To mention a few important software available are Design, testing and Simulation of electronic circuits, Windows based Circuit Simulation package, MATLAB with Simulink, DSP and Image Processing toolboxes, Xilinx, OrCAD, Keil, MASM, TASM, Multisim, Mentor Graphics, Linux operating system and Windows based Network simulators are available. Students extensively do projects on latest development boards like Xilinx, FPGA, 8051, ARM7, DSP 6713 which expose them to the state-of-the-art industry standards.
The department is well equipped with modern laboratory facilities and good infrastructure. The Department has following laboratories :
S.No | Room No | NAME OF THE LABORATORIES | Lab Description | Photo |
1 | E 413 | ANALOG ELECTRONICS LAB | Students will demonstrate the ability to know the characteristics, utilization of various components, Understand the biasing techniques & Design and analyze various rectifiers, small signal amplifier circuits, sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal oscillators, functioning of OP-AMP. | ![]() |
2 | E 415 | ANALOG AND DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LAB | Students will be able to know the characteristics of various components, Understand the utilization of components & Design and analyze small signal amplifier circuits, Postulates of Boolean algebra and to minimize combinational functions, combinational and sequential circuits, logic families and realization of logic gates. | ![]() |
3 | W 211/B | ANALOG AND DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS LAB | Analysis and design of various modulation and demodulation techniques, Illustrates how the mathematical concepts bend the analog communication process, Acquaint with formulate the frequency modulation and angle modulation signals , Interpret with differentiate types of transmitters and receivers used for particular application, Create the spectrum and noise performance of particular communication system | ![]() |
4 | E 411 | BASIC SIMULATION LAB | Basics of MATLAB syntax, functions and programming, Analyze the generation Various Signals and Sequences in MATLAB, including the operations on Signals and Sequences, Determine the Convolution and Correlation between Signals and sequences, Verification of Linearity and Time Invariance Properties of a given Continuous/Discrete System, Analyze the Fourier Transform of a given signal and plotting its magnitude and phase spectrum. | ![]() |
5 | E 405 | DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS LAB | Analysis and design of various modulation and demodulation techniques. Create the spectrum and noise performance of particular communication system, Analyze the concepts, write and simulate the concepts of AM and AM Demodulation process in Communication, Know the origin and simulation of FM and FM-Demodulation process in communication, Acquaint with AM and FM basic functionalities | ![]() |
6 | E 312 | DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LAB | Students will demonstrate the ability to understand working of logic families and logic gates, Design and implement Combinational and Sequential logic circuits, process of Analog to Digital conversion and Digital to Analog conversion, Be able to use PLDs to implement the given logical problem. | ![]() |
7 | E 312 | DIGITAL IC APPLICATIONS LAB | Student will be able to: Design encoder, Comparator and Multiplexer, Plot the transform characteristics of 74H,LS, HS series IC, Design shift registers, and counters using shift registers | ![]() |
8 | E 305 | DIGITAL SYSTEM DESIGN LAB | Students will demonstrate the ability to Understand working of logic families and logic gates, Design and implement Combinational and Sequential logic circuits, process of Analog to Digital conversion and Digital to Analog conversion, Be able to use PLDs to implement the given logical problem | ![]() |
9 | E 411 | DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING LAB | Students will have developed following skills/abilities: Interpret, represent and process discrete/digital signals and systems, Thorough understanding of frequency domain analysis of discrete time signals, Ability to design & analyze DSP systems like FIR and IIR Filter etc. Practical implementation issues such as computational complexity, hardware resource limitations as well as cost of DSP systems or DSP Processors, Understanding of spectral analysis of the signals | ![]() |
10 | E 414 | ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS LAB | Students are able to: Analyze the diode and transistor characteristics, Understand the principles of rectifier circuits using diodes and implement them using hardware. Design the biasing circuits like self biasing & Design various amplifiers like CE, CC, common source FET amplifiers and implement them using hardware and also observe their frequency responses, Understand the concepts of SCR, UJT and observe its characteristics. | ![]() |
11 | E 413 | ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS LAB | Comprehend the fundamental concepts in feedback amplifier circuits, Analyze the oscillators design, frequency responses calculations with the help of mathematical expressions, various cascade amplifier circuits using BJT and FET models, h-parameter model to power amplifiers circuit design, Interpret the tuned amplifiers and tuned cascaded networks functionality, circuit design analysis, testing and utilization of the circuits in various levels. | ![]() |
12 | W 311/A | EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LAB | Students are provided learning experiences that enable them to: To provide in‐depth knowledge about embedded processor, its hardware and software, programming concepts and embedded programming in C and assembly language c, real time operating systems, inter‐task communication and an embedded software development tool | ![]() |
13 | E 406 | LINEAR IC APPLICATIONS LAB | Design and analysis the various linear & non linear applications of op-amp, filter circuits using op-amp, oscillators and multivibrator circuits using op-amp CO5 & Designing various application of 555 timer, performance of oscillators and multivibrators using PSPICE. | ![]() |
14 | E 311 | MICRO PROCESSORS & MICRO CONTROLLERS LAB | Student will be able to: Assess and solve basic binary math operations using the microprocessor and explain the microprocessor’s and Microcontroller’s internal architecture and its operation within the area of manufacturing and performance, programming proficiency using the various addressing modes and data transfer instructions of the target microprocessor and microcontroller, Microprocessor (8085 & 8086) and Microcontroller to meet specified performance requirements. | ![]() |
15 | E 313 | MICROWAVE ENGINEERING LAB | Students would be able to : To analyze completely the rectangular waveguides, their mode characteristics, and design waveguides for solving practical microwave transmission line problems, To distinguish between the methods of power generation at microwave frequencies, derive the performance characteristics of 2-Cavity and Relfex Klystrons, Magnetrons, TWTs and estimate their efficiency levels, and solve related numerical problems, To realize the need for solid state microwave sources, understand the concepts of TEDs, RWH Theory and explain the salient features of Gunn Diodes and ATT Devices. | ![]() |
16 | E 412 | VLSI and E-CAD Lab | Students will be able to: An ability to design CMOS logic circuits, simulate circuits within a CAD tool and compare to design specifications, design, implement, and simulate circuits using VHDL, write machine language programs and assembly language programs for the simple computer, To learn by using Xilinx Foundation tools and Hardware Description Language (VHDL). | ![]() |
17 | E 405 | WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS LAB | An ability to apply knowledge of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering to solve complex engineering problems of Electronics and Communication Engineering systems, An ability to model, simulate and design Electronics and Communication Engineering systems, conduct experiments, as well as analyze and interpret data and prepare a report with conclusions, An ability to design an Electronics and Communication Engineering system, component, or process to meet desired needs within the realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability. | ![]() |