- Pioneering college offering Basic Humanities and Sciences with students who understand and are aware of the importance of Sciences, Engineering and Technology which in turn will enhance and mould the student into a competent professional.
- Offer the best for the society by imparting high-quality education in human sciences to stimulate in the students a spirit of inquiry and desire to gain knowledge and skills that can enrich their lives in future.
- Be the college of basic science and humanities where students enter the core levels of graduation to become innovative and creative to overcome the challenges of society.
- Be a renowned school of humanities and sciences creating competitive human resources in the fields of engineering for the benefit of society to meet global challenges.
- To inspire the students at our college of basic science and humanities to take up authentic research, and innovation.
- Encourage the practical applications of concepts through the learning experience and active participation through human sciences
- To improve logical and lateral thinking skills in students at our college of basic science and humanities
- Develop and sharpen students’ of human sciences to think rationally, and innovatively in several ways that are appropriate for their discipline
- To provide a conducive ambiance of a fine school of humanities and sciences for better learning and to bring creativity in the students.
- To develop a sustainable environment for innovative learning to serve the needy.
- To meet global demands for excellence in technical education.
- To train young minds enrolled in Basic Humanities and Sciences with values, culture, integrity, innovation, and leadership.